Thursday, December 29, 2011

To All Teenagers My Age

I just went to my bestfriend's blog.
And.. She has a very soft heart.
Okay. Memang berbeza dengan diriku yang menyampah tengok perempuan nangis.
It's not that, nak hina orang yang menangis.
People have feelings kan?
Tapi, tears? I've been through it...
Haaaa.. Jeng Jeng Jeng
Kay. Taknak cerita pun.
The point is I cried too much. And I motivated myself.
Kenapa nak nangis?
If you can't handle it, enjoy it.
If life gives you lemon, you make lemonade.
And... I survived.
So, sejak tu aku tak suka tengok perempuan nangis. Especially kalau sebab lelaki.
Tolonglah! Tunjuklah yang perempuan ni bukan cengeng, lemah, pathetic dan yang sewaktu dengannya.
Do you think guys would buy those tears you have wasted for days and nights?
You wanna cry? Cry.
But, please jangan bug in your ex's life.
It makes you look pathetic and desperate.
Teenage is the period where guys enjoy their lives.
Lagi pun... Kita ni highschool pun tak lepas lagi, and you have dreaming of marrying him?
T H I N K !
You have a lot of phases to go through before your married-life phase.
Bagitahu, berapa ketul husband&wife yang dah bercinta sejak zaman sekolah?
Be realistic. Please! I'm begging...
Tolonglah jangan ada Cinderella Syndrom.
Couple? Date?
Normal lah kan sekarang...
Expecting to marry that guy one day? Dah plan nama anak?
Berangan je boleh la...
Korang yakin dia boleh sara hidup korang? 'Anak-anak' korang? Dia kerja apa nanti?
Universiti pun belum?!
So how can you sure that he can guarantee your life in the future?
Of course, love is important. But to live without money, there's nothing much you can do.
Korang yang still teenage pun, nak itu ini.
Ni bukan cakap pisau cukur ke apa,
I'm being realistic right now.
Couple? Break? Sedih?
Normal. Tapi, korang kena move on.
Ni bukan 18th century. Bukan zaman Cinderella. Bukan zaman Romeo & Juliet. It's not even a drama.
This is 21st century. Zaman BlackBerry. Zaman iPhone. Zaman HTC.
We need to be realistic.
Sampai bila nak hidup dalam memori?
Hidup macam tu, boleh jamin hidup ke?
So, think.
Heartbreaking, satu benda normal.
And moving on is normal too.
Tak susah pun.
Remember, we are strong.

"Move On. It's just a chapter IN THE PAST. But don't close the book. JUST TURN THE PAGE"

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