Not the court where the lawyer do their works.. Not badminton court too. But the tennis court! You know, it's been ages that I didn't play tennis. Suddenly, I went to the court. I'm not alone, I'm with my siblings and my coach-my dad. When I was at the court, I was like, "WOW!!!" Because they fixed the court.

My sister, who was like has held a tennis racquet
twice, if I'm not mistaken... And look she's acting like she had been playing
before she knows how to crawl!!!

Okay, before we hit the ball on the real court,
LET'S HIT THE WALL! I mean, hit the ball to the wall. It's like playing with the wall.

GAME ON!!! Actually, no game at all. We were just practicing. Look at the
pro among the newbies, a.k.a the
youngest one! He was using his
new racquet. My dad
bought it yesterday for him... Me and my sisters was like,
"WTH! This is not fair!"

Now, the one who had
held a tennis racquet since she was nine, and then
quit playing. It's me bro! I
lost my skills. Well, eventhough, my skills were not that good, at least, I know how to hit a ball. But, now I was like
ZERO! I'm so sad...
How do I look??? Look like a
proffesional player, or like a
stupid kid???
If you choose stupid kid, come to the court and let's have a match!

The genius girl's turn. Eventhough her
brain works like a 2020 machine, her muscle works like .... I don't know...
Not as cool as her brain works.

SPM girl's turn to hit the ball. I bet she was
pretending that she was hitting tons of books. Hahaha.. Goodluck for your SPM, sister!
P/S: Like it's been ages I didn't play tennis, it's been ages too that I didn't update my blog in English
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