Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Is it weird if you want more and more exam??? For me,yes! I mean, who want more exam??? Exam will make you feel damnly stress!!! But I got some tips for you before you crack your head during exam....
1. Study sebulan lebih awal sebelum exam. Jangan harap korang boleh dapat 90% and above kalau korang belajar last minute, unless you're way too genius! Tapi,ingat senang ke nak jadi genius macam seorang kawan saya ni sekelip mata jek? So,you need tu study at least a month before exam start.
2. Buat NOTA!!! Seriously, you need to write some notes or makan magic bread macam dalam cerita Hikayat Putera Shazlan, tapi mana nak dapat magic bread tu??? So, write some notes. Korang boleh ingat ke apa yang korang baca??? Kalau korang nak baca lagi sebelum exam mula, sempat ke korang nak baca satu buku tu??? Unless you're THE FLASH. Kalau korang buat nota, at least korang tak payah susah-susah nak baca satu buku lagi sekali for the next exam kan???
3. Publish your notes in your blog! Kalau korang buat cam ni, korang boleh study sambil online... Cool tak?tak??? :'( (Suke hati koranglah nak fikir apa) Tapi, saya rasa this idea is cool!!! Sebab tak payah susah-susah buka buku and leave your facebook and blogspot! :D
4. Exercise!!! Buatlah latih tubi...Barulah MANTAP!!!
5. Keep asking...Malu bertanya sesat jalan...
6.Tawakal dan doa...

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello,to my beloved readers,(I know no one read my blog -____________-).I got nothing to do, so what should I do???Update your blog.... It had been a long time I didn't update this blog. Sorry.... What should I write??? Ahhha!!!! (Idea pop in my head...popidea like popcorn) Saya tengah mogok...(haha...mogok....macam pekerja minta gaji dekat syarikat yang nak muflis je...) Bukan saya yang mogok, kawan saya yang mogok... Sebab dia rasa dipinggirkan... Sorry, my friend,I mean friends, I didn't meant to... (*tengah buat muka comel macam kucing..hehe) Seriously, tak ada niat langsung nk pinggirkan awak.Haha...awak...cakap je la aku-kau...hipokrit(mana ada hipokrit, blog ni untuk bacaan semua lapisan masyrakat...so,BEHAVE!) Saya busy la dengan sketsa PRS and PROSTAR... Janganlah merajuk.... OK!!!! Mari kita ke agenda yang sebenar.... Jeng jeng jeng!!!!
1. Talk to your friend personally.... Please...Elakkan menggunakan alternatif surat or cell phone... Show to them that you really want him or her so badly (ni dah macam tips nak tackle awek la...) Tapi,seriously, jangan takut nak berhadapan dengan kawan korang yang tengah mogok tu... They're not monster, my dear readers...
2. If the step above didn't work, give them what they like... example: Mars Chocolate Bar (Eleh! cakap je la Mars tu awak sendiri yang suka...Hari-hari beli kat koperasi sekolah... PUASA la!!! Jangan la cakap pasal benda ni...) Korang bagi apa yang kawan korang tu suka... Mesti dia cair...Hehehe...
3. Kalau tak berhasil juga... Peluklah diorang dari belakang, cakap "merajuk ke?allololo"(ni untuk perempuan je ea, yang lelaki jangan nak gatal-gatal pakai tips ni... Tapi lelaki ada merajuk ke?) Tapi,kalau kawan korang jenis yang sirius, jangan cuba tips ini, tak pasal-pasal nanti dia cakap macam ni "Kau pahal???L*s ke???" Kalau dia cakap macam tu, jangan marah saya... I've warned you...
4. Ingatkan dia pasal kenangan manis korang.... Contoh, "ingat tak, aku pernah jatuh tangga terduduk, lepas tu kau cemas gila... Aku rindu sangat waktu tu..."(Eleh! Pada hal sayalah yang jatuh tangga terduduk, lepas tu menggelongsor sampai tiga,empat anak tangga...malunya XP)
5. Buat video dengan gambar-gambar yang korang tangkap... Letaklah lagu-lagu pasal sahabat, jangan pulak tiba-tiba letak lagu Saya Anak Malaysia, sure kawan korang buat tak tahu... -_-"
6. Don't give up!!!! Kawan korang tu, sebenarnya dah cair macam mentega bawah matahari kat Arab Saudi, ego lebih! So,pujuklah hari-hari....OK???
That's all what I can give you... Because tips ni saya yang buat sendiri ok!!! original tau... tak macam tips-tips sebelum ni...copy orang punya... Tak malu... copyrights of aincupik.blogspot.com (macam jual album pulak)

Saturday, August 7, 2010


A Florida church known for its anti-Islamic statements is planning a ceremony to burn copies of the Quran in commemoration of the Sept. 11 attacks.The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, has promoted on its website and other social networking sites the burning Islam’s holy book copies.

The church called for repeating its “Everybody Burn Quran Day” it celebrates “in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam.”The church, which also launched several campaigns against homosexuality and abortion, stirred much controversy last year after distributing T-shirts that read, "Islam is of the Devil."Church leader Dr. Terry Jones published a book under the same title and posted outside the church a poster conveying the same message.Several Facebook groups were formed to counter the campaign like “In Protest of International Burn a Koran Day” and “Against Everybody Burn Quran Day."The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a statement asking Muslims to invite friends and distribute copies of the Quran.